The principle underlying the operation of TARO is "artistic freedom” which is universal and contextual. Artistic freedom is a complex notion that encompasses various rights, such as the right to create and express oneself freely without censorship, interference, or persecution; the right to have one’s work remunerated, supported, and distributed; the rights to freedom of movement and freedom of association; social and economic rights; and the right to participate in cultural life. ​
TARO aims to focus on four specific areas:
Promotion of Freedom of Artistic Expression
Promotion of professionalism in the cultural sector
Promotion of gender equality within the cultural sector.
Protection of artists' rights and interests and ​
Promotion of Freedom of Artistic Expression​
To promote the rights of artists to artists to imagine, create, and distribute diverse cultural expressions without censorship interference, or persecution.
Promotion of Professionalism in the Cultural Sector
To promote professional practices within the cultural sector for commercialization It includes advocacy for accessibility of funds to cultural practitioners and improvement of sectoral policy and laws, provision of pieces of training to artists, promotion of institutionalization of the sector, to encourage integrations between arts and other professionals, promotion of friendly environment for artistic activities, creation of platforms for dynamic and meaningful artistic dialogues, and enhancement of market for cultural products.
Promotion of Gender Equality
The sector is gender blind, despite it offers equal rights to both women and men but, it does not provide equal opportunities for women to access and take control over assets and resources.
Promotion of Gender Equality
To promote the protection of economic, social, and cultural rights (human rights of artists) as protected under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESR) 1966 and other regional and international cultural conventions. To promote the best practices for artists' interests.
TARO envisions an expansion of our capabilities and infrastructure to advocate for the improvement of the legal framework of the Tanzania cultural sector to align with regional and international human rights practices.
Our plans include establishing a powerhouse of arts in Tanzania with:-
Legal aid center for artists
A strong platform for meaningful artistic dialogues
Arts training centre
A think tank for research and advocacy on human rights and gender equality within the cultural sector
Arts festivals and exhibitions
These facilities will enable us to provide comprehensive support and resources to artists, fostering a thriving and dynamic cultural sector in Tanzania.​​